Ubort Remedies


Carica Papaya Leaf Extract 200ML

Original price was: ₹190.00.Current price is: ₹160.00.

Countfast-Forte Syrup Sugar Free is a digestive health supplement designed to enhance the efficiency of your digestive system while consuming less energy during the food processing process. Formulated with Carica Papaya Leaf Extract, this sugar-free syrup contains natural digestive enzymes derived from papaya, including papain, protease, and amylase. These enzymes work synergistically to naturally break down proteins in food, promoting comfort and ease after meals.

Key Ingredients:

Papaya 5440 Mg, jwarghni 500mg, Aloevera 200 Mg, Ashavgandha 50 Mg, Giloye 999.95 Mg, Neem 125 Mg, Kiwi 50 Mg, Haldi 125 Mg, Tulsi 250 Mg, Black pepper 10 Mg. Syrup

Key Benefits:

Countfast-Forte Syrup helps the digestive system work more efficiently, facilitating the breakdown of food for better nutrient absorption
The presence of papain, protease, and amylase from papaya supports the natural breakdown of proteins in the digestive process
With its digestive enzyme content, the syrup promotes a comfortable feeling after meals, reducing post-meal discomfort
Countfast-Forte Syrup is sugar-free, making it a suitable option for individuals monitoring their sugar intake
The inclusion of herbs like Ashwagandha, giloy, neem, kiwi, haldi, tulsi, and black pepper adds a herbal and nutrient-rich dimension to the syrup


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